Saturday, May 7, 2011

Is Privacy Perfect?

Hey there! We live in strange times right now, about Censhorship also restrictions and deformations were met around the whole Planet Earth. In my Case im an Victim of the Upcoming VDS. In future my country Europe will save most Point to Point or even all connections from users to users over their isps, it's like the thing that is already donw with MobilePhone connections, @any Company youre in with your Mobile Phone (eg Orange) you can order a list of done Phonings - so they will get you an PDF with all your done Connections means:

  1. who you called
  2. when you called
  3. how long did it last
  4. where the call was taken from
Indeed Point 4 isnt strictly available everywhere and never for every one, but i don't like getting tracked and what they do right now is tracking.
I would say it's okay if a were a mountain climber anywhere up the Alps and can get lost from one day to another so i would appreciate tracking me so i can be found again...
But in my case my movement mostyl is mostly placed around and in my city, there are about 45 Mobile Phone trasnimmters and every i book into with my phone will know i was there. I dont like it - so i turn my Mobile phone when i go for a walk and not waiting for a call ;)

Now the Problem with internet connections i dont want them to be saved, i think my privacy will suffer from that, i also use a Wifi at my home, what if anyone hacks in uses it for illegal activities ?! they will get me for his fault! Hmpf i have to get rid of this and i found a very adorable useable full functionally solution for almost aevery country on this Planet!

This Company does the job the right way without getting too much provit out of it!
Only thing they want to server is Privacy, privacy available for everyone not only for the Big guys on out planet!

Have you ever thought if you buy a pre paid mobile phone with an pre paid sim and would only use it once and trhrow it away after use, no one could kepp track of you or even get any information, but for people as like i am this would be tooo expensive in any way, i have to keep my pre paid phone off to not get tracked and i only activate it a few days per month not too much activity and always from another place is best you could do!

Like using Perfect Privacy as your proxy, vpn, ipsec, ssh tunnel or anything else you would be glad they forward your traffic from mostly every of the following countries to any ip adress on the planet you like!
No censoship no logging!

This is a map of their current server lcoations, with every new user they get the servers would expand over the Planet

You can pay for your security really highly anonym! You can send Money over Postal tho this company it takes some time but keeps you 100% secure! Private! Mostyl Untrackable!

Great service maybe you wanna join ;)


  1. Feels like we're going to eventually live in a spy-like world, always watching our backs, covering our indentities, it's insane!

  2. Yeah, it's pretty insane, but it's not that bad yet.

  3. Oh if u think like that I'd say there is no privacy at all but I'll see what this company is like.

  4. Its crazy how it seems that our sense of privacy is dwindling - yet we must admit that these are scary and trying times that we're living in. I'm so torn in the middle because while I recognize the need for privacy - we need to make sure that our country and citizens are protected to the best of our ability as well.

  5. when something will be implented in you to track you down, then you can say you have no privacy anymore at all.

  6. there is no privacy anymore !

  7. Interesting read, privacy is very important to me.

  8. To be honest, we should make what we can of the internet now, I'm sure it won't be like this for long.

  9. and it's with all, no only with phones

    sad trully

  10. I'm very big on privacy, great read!

  11. Great read, very eye opening!

  12. Big brother is watching you!

  13. It is a sad state of affairs. Hopefully something can be done about it in time..

  14. Invasion of privacy has only gotten started...

  15. All though there is the feeling of been tracked the location is very rough and you could be more than a mile away from where you're spotted. I'd imagine the data is used to find out which areas have the most traffic so they can improve the network. It's still not a nice thought but it could have it's pluses, what if osama had it :P

  16. Very interesting. This is pretty cool.

  17. @Nrua
    good thought! we always look at things twice :) there is a positive site everywhere!
