Wednesday, June 22, 2011

On line data storage solution dropbox code fails, logins messed!

The on line data storage data backup service DROPBOX got in serious security trouble this week.
on line data storage backup service
Dropbox op posted on their blog that a massive security hole because of trouble with dropbox codes occured - every user of the storage service was able to log in with any password in any account - the security of the storage service totally failed and let every user in and take a look at any data provided on the internet backup service.

For over 4 hours the error was present and the backup service provider claims that around 1% of users logged in in this time to their drop box account. So maybe there happened no violation or abuses.
everythings alright
In fact be care when uploading data any where to the net or any online storage provider! As long they are not encrypted your data can seriusly be harmed or abused!